A friend turned me on to
Alice, a new online shopping and delivery service. A personal shopper! I shopped on Saturday, picking out the minimum order of 6 brand name items, all things I needed badly, including Pantene Red Expressions color enhancing shampoo, Northern Quilted toilet tissue and Baggie brand sandwich bags. My order only totaled $21.00 and the shipping is FREE! I received my order today, Wednesday, via FedEx, wow, this is wonderful! I've been waitng YEARS for this service and it went without a hitch, super cool, super convenient, no problems checking out. I used my credit card to pay, the account was quick and easy to set up, and they have hundreds of selections of brand name useful things to shop for. Alice is in Beta, and I have seen finished web sites that couldn't brag like this one can. There are several ways to shop, I used the Shop By Room selection and it was very easy, it pulls up a catalog of everything they have in that category, like Kitchen. They have a good selection of products and are adding to it. You can also key in the name of what you are looking for, the pages load fast, but I have cable internet. I am disabled with no transportation and getting to Walmart to get the things I need is a huge inconvenience for me and costly, there are many areas still where it is hard to get to a super center or big grocery store, Alice fits the bill and quite nicely! Alice also has selected coupons for some things, saving you even more money, it was cheaper and easier for me to order what I needed through Alice than it was to go to the store. Alice ships within 2-3 business days. I highly recommend Alice she will save you time and money. Forget about those lines from now on! Make Alice your new personal shopper!