Saturday, March 20, 2010

SCRAM Etsy Resellers!

Woo hoo! Etsy has initiated SCRAM, "Systems for Catching Resellers and Abusers of the Marketplace." SCRAM is a clever bot that uses algorithims and heuristics to pinpoint resellers and abusers like mistaggers on the Etsy marketplace. We also now have the Flag This Shop button so we can flag an entire shop for violations, this will help Etsy get rid of these troublesome abusers of our marketplace. I am glad Etsy has FINALLY started taking this serious but have concerns that the problem is so deep rooted now that it may be very difficult to actually stem this problem. One major problem is mistagging and this needs addressed for any real inroads to be made. I'm actually in favor of getting rid of tags all together. What do you thnk?


Unknown said...

It's good to see it being taken seriously that's for sure.

I think greater controls on tags would be good - though surely you need them to be able to search - otherwise wouldn't the big long titles with all of the tags in them become more prevelant?

2 Virgos Designs said...

you have a good point, we sure don't need Ebay titles! LOL for sure the first 2 tags should force commercial or handmade to eliminate people using both

cabin + cub said...

Glad to see Etsy is taking some action.... it is always horrible to read of stories of sellers getting ripped off.

ps. I am having a giveaway...come check it out!

2 Virgos Designs said...

thanks Cub, I will!

Unknown said...

I love ETSY - how would no tags work?

2 Virgos Designs said...

Etsy's search would then be like other sites' searches and work better, their searches rely on title and descriptions, relevancy works

Hali said...

well that is good news. Hope it works