Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Etsy Image

Resellers and mistagging have gotten so bad on Etsy I am loathe to refer anyone to Etsy except to my shop with ample warning that the general site is now full of resellers and one practically has to have a degree to tell if their wanted item is truly handmade. Etsy is becoming an embarassment to me. I would hate it if someone I referred to Etsy got took by a reseller, buying mass produced crap that is overinflated in value when they thought they were buying a premium handmade goodie. And search on Etsy is deplorable, full of mistagged items. Etsy is definitely going down. And it had such promise. How disappointing.


Patrice-The Soap Seduction said...

I agree that Etsy has really changed (for the worst) in the 2 years that I've been selling there. While resellers are definitely a major problem, I'm more turned off by the blatant favoritism and plain ignorance of the admin. If they had some dedicated staffers working to combat the mis-tagging and actually handle the legitimate flagging done by real handmade sellers, the site wouldn't be half as bad. That is why I'm starting to seriously work on developing my own website.

2 Virgos Designs said...

Hi Patrice! Yes, the Front Page favoritism is terrible and the Suggested Shops feature is too. I'm trying once again to get accepted by 1000 Markets. My pics are my weak point. And i realize the Web is visual so pics need to rock! Etsy sure has sold out and sold us a bill of goods.

Unknown said...

Hiya, I think that Etsy is an enormous beast that is hard to control. I agree with Patrice about the favouritism and miss-tagging. I try to be above it all because I do like it, I just need to keep out of the forums - they tend to suck me in :-)

Audrey said...

Ok - I guess I'm just not looking at the right shops! I don't think I've run into one that is reselling yet.

Unknown said...

Which is why I don't sell my jewelry there anymore. I sell some supplies and that's it. I don't even go into the forums except for our thread cause if I do all I hear from cupcakes is how wonderful E is. Whatever! I'm doing great on Artfire, have my own website for a hub network and promote heavily on craft show.

2 Virgos Designs said...

Hey Audrey and Heather! I had to downgrade my ARtfire shop because I didn't even make one sale to pay for the Pro fees. So I will keep the basic shop and hope someone evetually finds my Artfire shop and buys. I get one or 2 Etsy buys a month usually pretty good ones either from forum buddies or new Etsy buyers who find me on Google believe it or not! In the meantime Etsy seems bound and determined to chase what customers we have away with each new "improvement" they put in place.